
Professor Mohammad Kaykobad
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Majority Spanning Trees and@Their Applications to Scheduling and Ranking

   The main contribution in this research is the discovery of a new
class of spanning trees, termed as majority spanning trees, in directed
graphs with non-negative weights on edges, and its applications to optimal
scheduling of a periodic transportation system and ranking players of a
round robin tournament.  The scheduling problem under consideration
minimizes total waiting time of all passengers in the system, and has been
shown to be NP-Hard. The optimal solution has been shown to correspond to a
majority spanning tree in the corresponding digraph. Interestingly, the
optimal solution to the  problem of ranking players in a round-robin
tournament by criterion of minimizing number of  upsets also corresponds to
a majority spanning tree in the tournament digraph. We have investigated
existence of other relevant structures in digraphs, and indicated  possible
applications of these structures for finding  solutions to both the
