第384回 情報処理学会東北支部研究講演会(東北大学)


2018年1月5日 15:00〜16:00


東北大学 情報科学研究科棟2F 中講義室


Clement Valentin
Center for Climate Systems Modeling, ETH Zürich


CLAW FORTRAN Compiler - achieve performance portability with source-to-source translation


Since several years, new trendy supercomputer architectures are
emerging and being installed to concurrence the traditional x86
multi-core CPUs. With new architectures come also new programming
model as well as optimization technics. The development life cycle
of scientific code does not match the fast pace of these new
hardware releases. Weather and climate community often share the
development of local or global models and execute them on different
architectures. This leads to multiple specific versions of the same
code optimized for a single target supercomputer and not
performance portable among them because of major loop restructuring
and other specific optimizations. With CLAW we try to provide a
code manipulation framework to achieve performance portability on a
single source code. CLAW provide a set of low-level primitive
transformations as well as a single column abstraction that
separate the concern betwee domain scientists and computer
scientists. It is then able to generate code based on target
architecture and compiler directives to be used.




滝沢 寛之(東北大学サイバーサイエンスセンター)

report/talk_20180105.txt · 最終更新: 2019/07/10 by